Waste Time Efficiently

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Simpsons

Has they're been anything like it? Have I ever loved anything more and then turned my back on anything more? 20 years and now a movie? WTF?

My first skateboard was a Bart Simpson special. Black with just a little yellow head on the top, but with a sick mural of Bart on his own skateboard (wearing a helmet and pads). It was awesome. I rode that thing all the way until new years. Then I fell. I never skateboarded again.

The point is that I was raised by that little yellow family.

During college freshman year when I didn't know a soul, episodes of The Simpsons would play in the dining hall and every common area every night at 7:30 and we would laugh. Together. And talk about how hot Lisa was going to be. Or we would smoke weed and debate the seasons.

In the classic Simpson's Vs Seinfeld debate over whose the sitcom GOAT I always came down on the side of Groenings gang. "Because its has heart" something that Seinfeld, as a choice, left out.

And then slowly, as I got older. Sophomore, junior year it became less important.
I watched less and less. First, I didn't care if I missed an episode. Then I didn't care if I missed a season.

Maybe I was growing up.

Maybe my tolerance had gone up.

Maybe it was 9/11.

Maybe the show was sucking real hard and all they had left was post-modern, not-funny comments on itself. It seemed bloated, rich, out-of-touch. And most of all, it had lost its heart.

Sorta like America. Nowadays.

I don't want to give up on The Simpson's. Because that would be like giving up on America.

I'll go see the movie. Just because I still have hope.

My hope is that ultimately, laughter will save us all.

God bless you Homer Simpson.

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