Waste Time Efficiently

Friday, August 24, 2007


but, I ain't gonna eat no raisins.

I'm American and its midnight- I am starving!

My genetic makeup as a yank requires me to eat at the stroke of twelve and every hour after. Most Americans (sadly not all) obey this rule. It's one of the contributing factors to our health physique. Or what the rest of the world calls our "fat, lazy asses".

The problem is that I am currently nowhere near a place that serves or prepares food (gas stations included)and my apartment is practically void of food. And on top of that, after a long day of work I came home, smoked weed and drank some wine instead of eating.

In short: I would eat a light bulb if it was salted.


The one box of raisins in my house goes untouched.

Fuck you raisins! You taste like sugared baby cockroaches! I would rather starve (or eat a salted light bulb) then come near you.

It's a texture thing.


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