Waste Time Efficiently

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Teaspoon of Cinnamon

I don't know how to spell cinnamonn

So I like to watch Taser video's- we all know that. But, what about the other hours of lonely screen time?

Fucking Cinnamon

I don't know when, how, or why this whole thing started,I just know that its great. A teaspoon of cinnamon (sometimes a tablespoon) is impossible to swallow whole without the assistance of water. First of all, I don't know why you would want ot swallow a fucking whole teaspoon of cinnamon- or salt- or sugar- or any other spice all BY ITSELF! And second, isn't cinnamon kind of hot?! Not like super buring mexican hot sauce hot, but kinda spicy hot?

It is this exacture of stupidity that I show you now...

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