Waste Time Efficiently

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tasers: AKA the Great Equalizer

Lots of taser talk this week. How could there not be after a student at the University of Florida was tased for asking John Kerry some "hard" questions? The kid didn't deserve it- he should have been carried off and out of the room, and maybe even arrested, but not tased. None the less, the kid got it and now begins the generation of stupid jokes like "How many cops does it take to hold down a University of Florida student".

You know why this sucks? Not because of the obvious injustice and police brutality, but because now we can't enjoy taser videos with the same innocent curiosity as before. Now I am gonna think about that poor kid down in florida. Fuck...

See you later Taser videos. Here's to our last hoorah!

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